Antibiotic treatment for URTI usually does more harm than good

It can be difficult to understand the benefits of antibiotics when treating upper respiratory tract infection - especially when clinical trials show no benefit or trivial benefit. The number of patients needed to treat (NNT) to gain benefit from antibiotics is usually very high, and far outwieghed by the risks of adverse drug reactions.

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Antibiotic treatment for URTI usually does more harm than good

Antibiotic treatment for URTI usually does more harm than good

Antibiotic treatment for URTI usually does more harm than good

It can be difficult to understand the benefits of antibiotics when treating upper respiratory tract infection - especially when clinical trials show no benefit or trivial benefit. The number of patients needed to treat (NNT) to gain benefit from antibiotics is usually very high, and far outwieghed by the risks of adverse drug reactions.