Antibiotic Conservation
The Antibiotic Conservation study is a dedicated initiative focused on the responsible use of antibiotics for a healthier tomorrow and a better future.
We are a dedicated group of researchers passionate about promoting responsible antibiotic use for a healthier tomorrow and a better future.
We conduct studies that deliver, and evaluate the effect of interventions to improve antibiotic use in Aotearoa. Our goal is to increase the health of all whānau in Aotearoa by achieving long-term increases in beneficial antibiotic use and reductions in unnecessary antibiotic use.
Recent local research has demonstrated a clear need to improve antibiotic use in Aotearoa. We believe that healthcare providers and the public desire to use antibiotics as wisely as possible. We will work with healthcare providers and the public to support better antibiotic use throughout Aotearoa.
We wish to ensure that patients with infections receive the best possible care. This means the right antibiotic, in the right dose, for the right duration for people whose infections will benefit from treatment, and no antibiotic treatment for those whose infections do not need it.
The best possible antibiotic treatment will provide the best possible patient outcomes—recovery, with the least risk of antibiotic harm, (such as diarrhoea, rash, and allergy) and the least risk of increasing antibiotic resistance.
We wish to ensure that patients with infections receive the best possible care—the right antibiotic, in the right dose, for the right duration—for patients whose infections will benefit from treatment, but no antibiotic treatment for patients whose infections do not need antibiotic treatment.
The best possible antibiotic treatment will provide the best possible patient outcomes—recovery, with the least risk of antibiotic harm, (such as diarrhoea, rash, and allergy) and the least risk of increasing antibiotic resistance.